Friday, June 8, 2018

2018 - GeoBot Presentations

Scholars have worked super hard to create their unique GeoBot and here are their presentations.

I am super proud of everyone who presented to the class.

2018 GeoBot Presentations

Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Presentations have begun

GeoBot Presentations

GeoBot Presentations!!!!! :)

GeoBot Presentations will begin Wednesday June 6th until all scholar are able to present their GeoBots.

If you choose NOT to present you are choosing to earn a failing grade. You've worked hard on your projects you should be proud to present them.

Presentation will be graded over the weekend and you will know your final grades next week.

Thursday, May 31, 2018

End of the Year - Project - GEOBOTS!!

It's that time of the year again!!!!!

State exams are through.
7th Grade scholars have gone through 10 units of standards and have mastered those skills and are now able to implement all of them as they create their very own GeoBots (GEOmetric roBOTS).

Go to this link and use your AF login to see an example of past GeoBot presentations.

You can also see an example done by what Mr. Pierre of what your GeoBot Presentation could look like on Google Drive.

The rubric that scholars are given is as follows:

Students will make model robots out of geometric figures, measure them and determine the dimensions of a full-sized robot, and conduct a statistical investigation concerning the results of their robots.   This project allows students the opportunity to show that they have mastered proficiency in all areas of the Common Core Standards for seventh grade mathematics.

Part 1:

Ø  Draw a sketch of your GeoBot. (Your sketches should include a FRONT VIEW, BACK VIEW and SIDE VIEW)

Ø  List the geometric shapes that make up your GeoBot. (For example: rectangular prism, triangular prism, cylinder, cube, etc.)

Part 2:

·         Measure each part of your GeoBot. (measurements should be in inches)
·         Determine the surface area of your GeoBot
·         Determine the volume of your GeoBot.

Part 3:

ü  Make a slogan for your GeoBot
ü  Create a logo for your GeoBot
ü  Make a digital poster/powerpoint/google slides presentation

Part 4:

§  Present your GeoBot to the class

Part I
Points possible
Points earned

·         All views (front, back, side)

·         List geometric shapes

Part II
Points possible
Points earned

·         Measure each part of your GeoBot. (measure in inches)

·         Determine surface Area

·         Determine volume

Part III
Points possible
Points earned
Slogan + Logo

·         Make a slogan

·         Make a logo

·         Make a digital presentation or a poster

Part IV
Points possible
Points earned
·         Present your GeoBot to the class


Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Back in the Day - Part 1 of 6

It's been 4 years in the making.

8th Graders you're coming to the end of your middle school chapters.

It's been a joy..... here are some fond memories

Thursday, May 17, 2018

SBACs are almost over

With state exams coming to end I am certain you all crushed it! You've been putting in work all year. With less than a month before you go on your summer break I know you must be feeling just like JB.

It's been awhile

 It has been awhile.... So much has changed over the past 18 months. I hope you are doing well. I am currently in California and would love ...