Friday, October 18, 2019

2019.10.18 - Friday

The homework for tonight is the most up to date grade report for math has to be signed by a parent/guardian.

Students' final assessment of the FIRST QUARTER will be next THURSDAY due to a field trip on Friday, October 25th.

The last day of the quarter is NOVEMBER 5th.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

2019.10.15 - Tuesday

Homework for tonight is HW#17

Students should click VIEW SCORE so they can write their accuracy/proficiency grade on their homework.

Grade 5 -->

Grade 6 -->

Grade 7 -->

You can see a hard copy of tonight's homework ----> HERE

2019.10.11 - Friday

Today students too Assessment #02

There was a slight glitch, therefore, students will be arriving home with their quizzes so parents can see how well they did.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

2019.10.10 - Thursday

Today students reviewed what will be on the assessment tomorrow.

Grade reports for math were sent home on Tuesday so parents should have seen them.

Tonight's homework is to complete the assessment review and have parents/guardians sign the review to be returned tomorrow.

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

2019.10.08 - Tuesday

Students in 5th grade continued the examination of fraction comparisons.

Students in 6th grade continued developing their skill of dividing fractions.

Students in 7th grade continued developing their skill of dividing integers when p>0 or p<0 and q>0.


Their homework is to have their parent/guardian sign and write their phone number on the grade report and return it on Thursday.

There is NO SCHOOL tomorrow Wednesday, October 9th, 2019

Monday, October 7, 2019

2019.10.07 - Monday

Students in 5th + 6th grade continued with their examination of fractions, while the 7th grade continued with using integers in multi-step real-world problems.

Links to the homework and classwork are below.

Homework   <-------> Classwork

I was not able to print the grade report for math today, but I will do so this week before the next assessment that is coming this Friday.

Thursday, October 3, 2019

2019.10.03 - Thursday

Today students continued with our investigation of fractions.

The phrase of the day was "Show Me The Proof"

Students should be able to articulate why 1/3 > 1/5 and on next week's bi-weekly assessment they will be allowed to use their math notebook during the quiz. So in preparation for this, there will be a notebook check tomorrow.

Parents, PowerSchool is almost up and running and as soon as it is I will be sending home a progress report home so you can see what your student's grades are thus far in this first term.

Tonight's homework (HW#14) links are up and working, my apologies for the glitch last night.

Grade 5 -->

Grade 6 -->

Grade 7 -->

Wednesday, October 2, 2019

2019.10.02 - Wednesday

Today in class we reviewed benchmark fractions and equivalent fractions.

NEXT FRIDAY (10/11/2019) there will be a quiz reviewing the benchmark fractions we covered today and will be working with this week and next.

Here is the link for the homework tonight, tonight's homework is HW#13

If you need some extra help subscribe to the class youtube channel here --> SUBSCRIBE

Tuesday, October 1, 2019

2019.10.01 - Tuesday

Today students completed their unit #01 Assessment.

Students also have HW#12 tonight as homework.

We will begin Unit #02 tomorrow yea!!

2019.09.27 - Friday - Unit #01 Assessment

Today students began their Unit #01 Assessments. They will be given time on Monday to complete it.

Remember Monday is a holiday so no school. See you in October!

Thursday, September 26, 2019

2019.09.26 - Thursday - Assessment Tomorrow!!

Tomorrow students will have their first assessment that will cover material from UNIT 1

Students received a review packet in class today that they will use to study as their homework.

Parents should ask their students to see the review packet.

It's been awhile

 It has been awhile.... So much has changed over the past 18 months. I hope you are doing well. I am currently in California and would love ...