Tuesday, October 1, 2019

2019.10.01 - Tuesday

Today students completed their unit #01 Assessment.

Students also have HW#12 tonight as homework.

We will begin Unit #02 tomorrow yea!!

2019.09.27 - Friday - Unit #01 Assessment

Today students began their Unit #01 Assessments. They will be given time on Monday to complete it.

Remember Monday is a holiday so no school. See you in October!

Thursday, September 26, 2019

2019.09.26 - Thursday - Assessment Tomorrow!!

Tomorrow students will have their first assessment that will cover material from UNIT 1

Students received a review packet in class today that they will use to study as their homework.

Parents should ask their students to see the review packet.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

2019.09.25 - Wednesday

Classnotes are in the class notes folder
Use the links on the side

Tonight's homework is homework  #12

Make sure to enter your homework answers for your proficiency grade at the link on your homework.

THIS Friday, 9/27/19 ----- is the first assessment. You will have a study guide for classwork tomorrow be sure you have your math notebook so you can complete it.

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

2019.09.24 - Tuesday

Today was a good day

Students were very focused today which led to a lot of learning and it's evident in the exit tickets turned in.

Here are the links for the classnotes and the homework for tonight.

Monday, September 23, 2019

2019.09.23 - CLASSNOTES & Homework

Here's the link for the classnotes

Here is the homework

2019.09.23 - Monday

Here is the link for tonight's homework. ---> Click Here

6th Graders, please use the link www.tinyurl.com/Grade6HW09 to enter your final answers for tonight's homework

7th Graders, please use the link www.tinyurl.com/Grade7HW09 to enter your final answers for tonight's homework.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Thursday, September 19, 2019

2019.09.19 - Thursday - Homework #07

Here is the homework for tonight 

Homework #07 (Make sure you check the GRADE you are in as well)---->  Click Here

2019.09.19 - Thursday

Tomorrow is the first notebook check. Students should have the objectives we have covered along with the key points discussed in class in their notebooks.

Any missed notes can be found ----> Here

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

It's been awhile

 It has been awhile.... So much has changed over the past 18 months. I hope you are doing well. I am currently in California and would love ...